viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012


The lipoescultura laser is one more application of the technologies of liposuction or extraction focused of oily fabric of the body. The only difference that we might indicate between liposuction and lipoescultra laser is that the latter is in the habit of applying to him in more limited zones where major precision is needed in the control of the cannulas of extraction and it turns out vital that the brands of the procedure (incisions) are controlled and easily hidden. Of there that exist specific applications of a lipoescultura in corporal specially recommended zones: · facial Lipoescultura: treatment that consists of the elimination of fat lodged at the face and the neck. This operation allows a considerable reduction of the volume of these zones and the postsurgical recovery of the patient is almost immediate. · brachial Lipoescultura: this procedure is applied for the elimination of adipose excesses under the skin of the arms. Mixed technologies are used to obtain better results (ultrasound, electrical engine, etc.) and major precision. The small incisions of 4mm allow to return to the social life spent 48 hours. If the stretching arm is total, it will imply also the extirpation of the leather surplus of the area. · Lipoescultura of abdomen: in these cases also mixed technologies are in use for eliminating the adipose surplus located in the skin of the abdomen and it offers incredible results. The rehabilitation of the patient with this treatment is practically immediate. · Lipoescultura of buttocks: the cellulite is located principally in thighs, buttocks and knees. The precision lipoescultura makes possible the total elimination of these oily heaps with great facility and without complications. · Lipoescultura of legs: with mixed technologies of elimination, it is possible to apply Lipoescultura's treatment laser to recover thinner legs, contorneadas and young women. It has postoperatory shortly that allows to join to the labor life in 48-72 hours. Though the enumerated ones are the principal zones where these treatments are applied, they are not the only ones since the modern procedures have advanced in agreement with the great demand of this practice and it has managed to reduce both the times of intervention, and the own risks of an operation and the requirements post-qirúrgicos of rehabilitation. It is possible besides the fact that these treatments are applied in combination by others that optimize the results. But it is equally important to indicate that the lipoescultura laser is not one recovers for the obesity and for no motive he will have to be considered to be a substitute of food programs or of exercises. It is not also a question of a definitive solution since the patient will be able to put on weight or to slim with posteriority to the practice of a lipoescultura. The results and the duration of the same ones will depend to a great extent on the care on that it puts in supporting a harmonic figure with a balanced well diet and an important dose of physical activity.

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012


The Liposonic is a generating equipment of utracavitación, a new technology that bases his therapeutic action on the application of ultrasonic waves of up to 30 Watts of power. These mechanical waves, by means of the differences of positive and negative pressure that compose them, create an innumerable quantity nanoburbujas, unlike the conventional ultrasound. These, they accumulate energy up to growing to a size where they become unstable, and implosionan in the cavities of the intermediate liquid inside the adipose panículo. The implosion of the nanoburbujas liberates a quantity of such clear energy, which creates a pressure on the membrana celular of the adiposito, liberating to the blood torrent the molecules of oily acids and glycerol that shape it. This allows that they should be metabolized and eliminated across the lymphatic system and the urinary tract. This process is cyclical, since the energy liberated by the implosion they generate shock waves, which new nanoburbujas create of it emptied, repeating the process as residual action, to diminishing intensity. This innovative treatment reducer of fat, it is a therapy of rapid loss of weight that effects to slant a device of ultrasonic liposuction called Liposonic, which offers the possibility of shaping the corporal contour with surprising results. This therapy is painless and is applied by means of ultrasounds from 3 to 10 Mhz, (low frequency) which issue a few waves that strike the oily cells (adipositos) that are deposited in the subcutaneous part of the body and are the causers of the formation of cellulite. This "liquefied" fat is eli mined by the lymphatic system and the urinary tract Is very advisable for those persons (men and women) that do not answer to other treatments and that present zones of very located fat. The therapy Liposonic can be applied in patients of both sexes, previous medical evaluation and clinical analyses (triglicéridos). The postoperatory recovery is rapid and the insuperable results. The use of a strip is advisable immediately after the treatment since as the loss of weight it is fast, she there will help that does not still have the skin sluggish.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Synovial cyst (ganglion)

What is it?
Ganglion cysts are lumps (lumps) very common, sometimes grow in the hand and wrist. The cysts are usually found on the back of the wrist on the palm side of it or the last joint of a finger (mucous cyst). It is also often found in the base of a finger. Ganglion cysts usually from nearby joints or tendinous sheaths. No specific cause for occurrence thereof. These cysts can be painful, especially when they first appear and with constant or strenuous use of the hand. Ganglia often change in size, so it can grow or disappear completely and spontaneously without treatment.
Treatment of a ganglion cyst may just be watching any changes. However, if the cyst is painful, limits activity, or its appearance is unacceptable to the patient, other treatment may be recommended.
Treatment may include removal of the fluid from the cyst with a needle and / or the use of a splint or brace to prevent movement. If these nonsurgical treatments fail, your hand surgeon may recommend surgery to remove the cyst.
The goal of surgery is to remove the origin of the cyst. This may require the removal of a portion of the joint capsule or tendon sheath near the ganglion. If the ganglion is removed from the wrist splint can be recommended for the postoperative period. Some patients may experience pain, discomfort and swelling at the site of surgery for some time. In some patients this period is longer than others, but full activity can be resumed once comfort permits. Often require rehabilitation after surgery.
Although surgery offers good results in extracting ganglia, these cysts may recur with some frequency even after surgery.

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

The Surgery Bariátrica

The surgery bariátrica is a tool that is in use as treatment for the severe or morbid obesity. They are surgical procedures, which serve to handle the disorders of excessive supply. The surgery bariátrica is considered to be a part of a therapeutic strategy. This one includes food changes (quality - quantity of show restraint and habits of conduct) and I increase in the physical activity. Hereby it achieves that the patient consumes minor quantities of food on having restricted the size of the stomach and / or the absorption of the food. This surgery brings the patient near to his ideal weight, improves and even it can treat the diseases associated with the obesity.
With the surgery two aims are chased: the first one, the loss of weight, and the second one, the improvement of the problems of health related to the obesity. It must not be considered " Cosmetic surgery ó Cosmetic " since the end of this surgery is to make lose weight to avoid the complications of the obesity. The aesthetic benefits are important but they are secondary ends in this surgery. A surgical suitable result does not guarantee the favorable long-term forecast, since the surgery only is a prop of the treatment. The success takes root in the form in which the patient learns "to "use" correctly the type of intervention that has been practised him.
The patient who enters to the Program of Obesity and Mini Invasive Surgery, must have the safety of the need of a deep and permanent change as well as acquire the commitment to modify his quality it would feed and to increase the energetic expense across the practice of physical activity to achieve the loss of the oily unnecessary mass and to manage to increase the muscular mass

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Surgery of the knee artrósica: justification and possibilities

surgical options are in relation with the evolutionary moment of the disease artrósica and with the elements of mechanical overload preexisting or developed during the evolution: axial primitive Diversions Reversibilidad of the cartilaginous injury macrocospic Disappearance of cartilaginous fabric Attends of secondary deformations to the process artrósico Degree of global destruction of the joint The first situations can be treated by interventions considered like prophylactic. When already irreversible injuries exist in the cartilage, in moderate degree, palliative interventions can be applied. Finally, when the cartilaginous fabric has disappeared and the desestructuración is important with associate deformities, is necessary to resort to radical interventions since they are the implants protésicos. The ideal attitude would be to manage to avoid, medically, the deterioration of the cartilage (1-3) but this not always is possible so, overcome the phase of condroma faded, and come the phase opened (fisuración, ulceration, disappearance completes), the cartilaginous fabric is irrecoverable (4). For this motive, between others, a high percentage of knees artrósicas, in any of his varieties. It ends up by being feeder industries of replacement for artroplastia total of knee though, during the evolutionary period, other treatments have been applied to them medicoquirúrgicos palliative.