lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

The Surgery Bariátrica

The surgery bariátrica is a tool that is in use as treatment for the severe or morbid obesity. They are surgical procedures, which serve to handle the disorders of excessive supply. The surgery bariátrica is considered to be a part of a therapeutic strategy. This one includes food changes (quality - quantity of show restraint and habits of conduct) and I increase in the physical activity. Hereby it achieves that the patient consumes minor quantities of food on having restricted the size of the stomach and / or the absorption of the food. This surgery brings the patient near to his ideal weight, improves and even it can treat the diseases associated with the obesity.
With the surgery two aims are chased: the first one, the loss of weight, and the second one, the improvement of the problems of health related to the obesity. It must not be considered " Cosmetic surgery ó Cosmetic " since the end of this surgery is to make lose weight to avoid the complications of the obesity. The aesthetic benefits are important but they are secondary ends in this surgery. A surgical suitable result does not guarantee the favorable long-term forecast, since the surgery only is a prop of the treatment. The success takes root in the form in which the patient learns "to "use" correctly the type of intervention that has been practised him.
The patient who enters to the Program of Obesity and Mini Invasive Surgery, must have the safety of the need of a deep and permanent change as well as acquire the commitment to modify his quality it would feed and to increase the energetic expense across the practice of physical activity to achieve the loss of the oily unnecessary mass and to manage to increase the muscular mass